Clarissa is the heroine of the novel Mrs. Dalloway, her life is constantly filled with glamorous parties and society life but she desperately wants to find a deeper meaning to her life. She often comes across as shallow, but it is because she feels she must always be composed and have everything perfect. Clarissa is content with her life, but she is not completely happy; she is constantly remembering past events and wondering if she made the right decisions with her life. One of her main decisions that she goes back to question is whether she made the right decision marrying Richard instead of Peter Walsh. She sacrificed passion for a life of security. Clarissa is also terrified of dying and is concerned with her death throughout the whole novel. By the end of the novel Clarissa has come to terms with the life that she has and while she is not completely happy, she realizes that she has a fairly good life and it is the only life she is going to get.
Clarissa Dalloway is the main heroine of the novel Mrs. Dalloway. I am going to give you a brief analysis of her character.